Friday, March 8, 2013

To Frankfurt

After my tour through Heidelburg, I headed up north to the city of Frankfurt.  Frankfurt is big: it's the fifth-largest city in Germany and Germany's financial center.  I divided my travelling here between walking and taxis since many of the places I visited were quite far apart.  The city is built on both sides of the river Main.

Being a man of means, I naturally checked out the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.  The city has erected statues of a bear and a bull in front of the building!  If the statistics are true, this stock exchange sees 90% of the turnover in the German market.  Moreover, it brings in significant wealth from abroad: about 47% of the market participants are foreign.

Later on I visited the Lessing-Gymnasium of Frankfurt am Main.  It is a late Medieval school, started in 1519 as a "Latin school", and which grew into a university.  It was severely damaged in World War II and the university students moved to other local universities.  It is currently a Gymnasium and it follows a traditional Humanistic curriculum.  The students learn at least two foreign or ancient languages, and the school is known for its strong choral and orchestral music.  Good stuff!

Next I looked up a place to eat.  I found a place called Schwarzer Stern and sat down.  The menu consisted primarily of typical German dishes, such as sausage and potato meals.  I ordered Deftiger Eintopf mit Frankfurter Wurschen, a local stew served with Frankfurter sausage.  Once again, good stuff!


A few sources:
The latest information
Börse Frankfurt- Aktien Kurse, Charts und Nachrichten
Zum Schwarzer Stern - Willkommen auf der Homepage

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