Friday, May 3, 2013


So then I went to Lichtenfels.  Lichtenfels is a town in northern Bavaria on the river Main, in an area called Gottesgarten am Obermain.  It's a pretty little place dedicated to the craft of basket weaving: it is the only place in Germany which still has a college which teaches the old skills of basket making.  Lichtenfels is often called "Basket Town".  Baskets and their making pretty much define Lichtenfels.  Obviously the main attraction here was the Korbmarkt, or basket market.  This city makes every kind of wickerwork imaginable.  I saw people from several different countries (Germany too, of course!) making baskets, and the largest collection of baskets ever!



When I got hungry I went and checked out the beer gardens.  Dunkels Bier and Franconian sausage and Zwiebelkuchens!  

I hunted around the town a bit after going through the Korbmarkt and found the Rathaus.  Like several other important buildings I discovered earlier, this was build in the Baroque style.  Also, the basilica Vierzehnheiligen.